Wattpad Celebrates Banned Book Week


Every year, in the last week of September, we recognize Banned Book Week. Banned Book Week is a celebration of everyone’s right to read.

Across the world, stories have been removed or challenged from libraries in schools and communities because of concerns from parents, teachers and the local community about issues raised in the content or the narrative of the text.

Banned Book Week seeks to encourage more open literary policies that respect both sides of every story. 

Why is Wattpad Participating?

The internet and mobile applications have made reading accessible in ways that would never have been possible ten years ago and Wattpad is thrilled to be a leader in this evolution; not only from page to screen, but to a social, shared reading experience.

To celebrate stories of all kinds, Wattpad has put together information highlighting some of the issues that are brought to the forefront during Banned Book Week

This week at Wattpad, you’ll find: 

Ellen Hopkins sharing her “Perfect” on Wattpad

Read books that have been banned and learn the history of their banning

Participate in a contest with Ellen Hopkins from Simon & Schuster.

Special podcasts! Hear what Wattpad writers have to say about Banned Books in their communities

A History of Banned Books Podcast. Learn the history of the week and hear examples of some of the most famous Banned Books.

Watch videos and more of famous writers talking about their favorite Banned Books

Tons of extras on our blog

A special Wattpad Wednesday with a Banned Book Prize pack

For more information on Banned Book Week, listen to our podcasts, watch our vlog and check out the American Library Association (http://www.ala.org/ala/issuesadvocacy/banned/bannedbooksweek/index.cfm)

Thanks and Happy Reading,

The Wattpad Team 


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