Wattpad App Available in the Kindle Fire App Store

Dec. 21st Update: We’ve got great news! Starting this week, the Wattpad app is officially available in the Kindle Fire app store. Happy reading!

Nov. 24th *Edit*: You can still enjoy Wattpad on Kindle Fire! Follow these simple steps to install the app.

Nov. 16th *Edit*:  Unfortunately, we just found out that Wattpad is currently NOT available in the Kindle Fire app store as expected. Please stay tuned for our next update - we’ll try to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Thank you.

-Wattpad Team

With the launch of Kindle Fire today, Wattpad is thrilled to provide a new way for users to access the best place to discover and share stories.

The Wattpad app for Kindle Fire is designed to give the best entertainment experience for millions of Kindle readers. Users can:

  • read over 2 million stories for free
  • comment, vote, and interact with other readers
  • read a story, watch videos, and view images shared by writers and their fans
  • engage with the largest writing community online

Wattpad is one of the most downloaded eReading apps, with over 1 million downloads each month. 

“Currently, two-thirds of our users are on mobile phones and tablets. We’re seeing more people use the Wattpad app on the iPad, so we’re excited to see how tablet use will continue to grow with the launch of the Kindle Fire at such an affordable price point,” says Ivan Yuen, CTO of Wattpad. 

On Wattpad, users discover a unique form of entertainment where everyone can interact and share stories across text, video, images and through conversations with other readers and writers.

To Download the Wattpad App, visit your App Store or www.wattpad.com


The Wattpad Team


BNN: "The Innovative Edge" featuring Wattpad's Allen Lau


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