Testing...1, 2, 3. Fan Funding on Wattpad



We recently kicked off a brand new experiment aimed at giving readers even more ways to support and encourage the writers behind some of their favourite stories.

Wattpad will always be a place where people from around the globe can connect through great stories; nothing’s changing on that front. Instead, our goal for this new project is to introduce creative ways for fans to help power the dreams of writers who create and share great work on Wattpad.

Fan funding is about bringing stories to life in a myriad of ways and giving writers the tools to engage with, acknowledge, thank and reward their loyal fans who have been there since the beginning. The millions of readers on Wattpad are fueling the next generation of writers, that’s always been the power of our community, so this program is also a unique way for readers to come along on the journey.

Fan funding is just the first of several experiments we’ll be introducing. We want to explore new ways to support writers in the Wattpad community as we collectively navigate the frontiers of digital publishing.

This group of writers taking part in the first round of this project all have different goals, which reflects the nature of today’s market: some are raising funds to continue writing, others to self-publish their work, and two more will be co-funding the development of their work with a publishing partner. For us, it’s great to be able to support all these dreams through fan funding!

Find out how you can support writers like Jordan and Britt here!