Wattpad is showing its love for NaNoWriMo



Come Friday, a whole pile of new novelists will begin battling their way through a November of words with the return of the annual National Novel Writing Month (or, as most participants call it these days, NaNoWriMo). This is an event that puts the act of writing above all else: asking only that participants write every day with the goal of completing 50,000 words (the length of a short novel) by November 30th. NaNoWriMo sets no penalties if participants fall short of their goals, and it makes no judgments about the content of the novels being written. It demands only that people try—only that people write.

This judgment-free celebration of creation is something Wattpad gets behind. So, not only are we sponsoring NaNoWriMo 2013, we are also offering a $2000 prize to one NaNoWriMo writer who posts his or her completed novel on Wattpad. Visit our NaNoWriMo page to find out how you can enter, and Happy NaNoWriting!