Haiku Contest for National Poetry Month (#npm)

To celebrate National Poetry Month (#npm), Wattpad is hosting a haiku contest. Haikus are an easy way to dabble in poetry and explore a new form of the written word.

What’s a ‘Haiku’?

Haiku is a very short form of Japanese poetry. A haiku consists of maximum 17 syllables (or beats), divided into three lines of 5, then 7, then 5 syllables. So, your first line is 5 syllables, second line 7 syllables and your last line 5 syllables.

Here’s an example:

apples are produceunless they drop on your head -then they are pondered.

by Warrior_Prophet (http://www.wattpad.com/1174528)

What do I write about?

The theme for this contest is open to your imagination, so feel free to be as creative as you like. We welcome both original haikus and haikus about celebrities or fictional characters.

How to submit

To participate, post your haiku in the comments on our News & Updates story, or submit your entry through Twitter. On Twitter, be sure to tag your submission with @wattpad, #haiku, and #npm. The deadline for submissions is Monday April 21st.

Dates & Judges

The contest will run for one week, starting today and ending Monday April 21st. The Wattpad Team will choose three of our favorite haikus, and we will announce the winners on Friday April 25th.

Enter Now!


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