Meet the Wattpad4



When you know, you know. That’s what writers Rebecca Sky, Erin Latimer, Leah Crichton, and Monica Sanz  thought when they first discovered each other’s stories on Wattpad. The four bonded quickly over their love of reading and writing, as well as a mutual quirky sense of humor, and they now share a unique friendship.

“It’s funny how we have never met face-to-face, but they are some of my dearest and closest friends now,” says Leah. “I truly cannot imagine a day without them in it.”

Hundreds of comments and inbox messages later, the writers decided to officially form The Wattpad4, a group dedicated to giving back to their supportive Wattpad communities through weekly Twitter chats, monthly contests, and more.






“We formed the Wattpad4 to fully support each other’s dreams and to give back to the community that helped us get to where we are,” says Rebecca Sky.

The Wattpad4 hosts Twitter Chats every Monday at 8PM EST, covering all kinds of topics, from World-Building to How to Write a Believable Romance. Join the conversation every Monday by following #Wattpad4 on Twitter.

What’s next for these intrepid  writers? Videos, naturally. “We’re going to be vlogging soon in addition to our weekly Twitter chats,” says Monica. “We’re also discussing attending a few conferences together to spread our love of writing and Wattpad.”

Stay tuned for future updates about the Wattpad4.