The UnSlut Project: How a Private Diary Became a Social Movement

In 2013, Emily Lindin did something incredibly brave. She shared her grade-school diary that chronicled her experiences being labeled the school ‘slut’ with the world. Emily hoped it would put a spotlight on an issue young women face all too often: Slut shaming. Her diary, The Unslut Project has over 14 million reads and thousands of comments on Wattpad. People around the world have spent more than 4,000,000 minutes reading about Emily’s experiences. The Unslut Project is the first non-fiction story on Wattpad to be published. The edited and expanded memoir, published by Zest Books, has exceeded all expectations. A reprint is underway to keep up with demand. Emily - with the help of her fans and supporters - has also produced a related documentary called:  UnSlut: A Documentary Film. It is currently being screened in theaters, community centers, schools, and living rooms all over the world.

Emily proves that passion and community-focused storytelling can propel causes and raise awareness of important issues. She has mobilized a global community to try to eradicate slut shaming and sexual bullying from society simply by serializing her diary on Wattpad, adding additional commentary from her older self, and encouraging others to share their own  experiences through the Your Unslut Project story on Wattpad.

Today Emily Lindin is one of the most recognized opponents of slut-shaming. The UnSlut Project’s viral popularity transformed her from writer to advocate. You can learn more about Emily Lindin and The UnSlut Project, here.

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