Pokémon Go Drives Pokémania on Wattpad

The quest to become the world’s greatest Pokémon trainer can be a tough one. Many people around the world are learning this the hard way. As a truly global phenomenon, it’s no surprise that fans of the franchise, emboldened by this wave of nostalgia, are also turning to Wattpad to get their Poké-fix.Here’s what we found:

  • Last week, reading time on Pokémon-related stories reached a record high with approximately 1 million minutes spent. That’s enough time to beat the original Pokémon Red and Blue games 260,000 in a row!
  • Since the start of the year, reading time for Pokémon is up 66%
  • People shared over 12,000 Pokémon related story uploads in the last few weeks compared to only 4,500 over the month of January 2016. This is an increase of over 160%.

If you’re a die-hard Pokémon fan, check out this list of Pokémon reads from Wattpad’s official fanfiction profile.

If you are are a journalist and want to find out more about the world of Pokemon on Wattpad or request data and insights for you next feature article, get in touch!



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