Wattpad Brand Solutions Needs Your Vote!

You may have heard of a little conference in Austin Texas called South By Southwest (SXSW). If you haven’t, the festival and conference brings together some of the most cutting edge musical artists, startups, and marketing minds from around the globe.Back to Basics: Why Brands Are Betting on Stories is our submission to their annual panelpicker series. Wattpad’s session would bring together a Wattpad Star, a leading brand, and Wattpad’s Head of Global Brand Solutions, Suzanne Spence, for a conversation that explores how stories impact brand-building.

Sound informative? We think so too! To support Wattpad at SXSW 2017, you can cast your vote for our panel in three easy steps:

  1. Signup for a SXSW community account here
  2. Follow this link to Wattpad’s panel description
  3. Click the thumbs up icon in the top left corner of the page

Community voting helps the SXSW content committee determine the conference's final lineup. That’s why we need your support. Voting closes at 12:00am EST on Friday, September 2nd, so don’t delay.

This is our chance to show SXSW attendees why Wattpad stories matter. Once you’ve voted, get in touch with us on Twitter @WattpadBusiness!


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