10 Things To Love About Wattpad
Wattpad is 10 years old!! To celebrate, we’re highlighting some of the things that helped shape our app and community. Today we’ll look at 10 features on Wattpad that dramatically changed how people around the world discover and share stories.Inline Commenting
Introduced in 2014, inline commenting took off like a rocket. Today you can react to your favourite prose within a story instantly. Inline comments provide the perfect space for audiences to connect and give storytellers insight into how their words are being received.
With in-line commenting, people call out inspiring passages, help their favourite writers edit stories, and share reactions with other Wattpadders who are reading along.

In 2015, we introduced embedded multimedia to the surprise and delight of the Wattpad community. With this feature, storytellers can enhance their works by adding images, GIFs and videos to their story. Inline multimedia helped bring new kinds of stories to Wattpad and beautified many of the stories already shared.
Today, thousands of multimedia stories, graphic novels, and comics are shared on Wattpad daily. You can check out some great examples, here

Behind every smash-hit on Wattpad is an active and engaged audience. With the broadcast messaging feature, at the press of a button you are instantly connected with readers and fans around the world. Wattpad’s broadcast feature helps storytellers share updates, host contests, and, most-importantly, connect with people who are obsessed with their story.
The Quote Art feature adds a visual layer to the words that resonate with us in Wattpad stories. It gives any fan a quick way to create something inspired by a Wattpad story and share that inspiration with the world.
Many Wattpad Stars credit fan voting as the reason they keep their stories up-to-date. Votes are like virtual high-fives doled out by the Wattpad community. Every time a story receives a vote, people show appreciation for an update to a Wattpad story and let the storyteller know that their work matters.
Voting also helps the algorithms behind the Wattpad app to better serve you content. The more you participate on Wattpad the better Wattpad gets at suggesting stories you’ll love. Your votes, follows, comments, and reading lists help Wattpad understand your preferences to serve up an endless supply of amazing stories.
If you’ve ever reached your data-cap within the first week of your billing cycle, or found yourself trapped in a wifi-deadzone, you’re probably a fan of offline reading. The Wattpad app syncs your library to your phone so that you can enjoy stories anywhere, anytime -with or without an internet connection.
Speaking of anywhere, anytime, mobile writing helped pull storytellers out of their nooks and into a world of endless inspiration. Today, Wattpad stories are written in line at the grocery store and on public transit. The Wattpad app is there when and wherever creativity happens.
Our stories are our children and like any good parent we worry about how they’re doing, constantly. The Writer Analytics Dashboard gives storytellers a quick snapshot of critical information about their story to help ambitious storytellers strategically edit to attract more fans.
Wattpad Futures helps storytellers earn money for doing what they love - writing. By inserting short ads in between the chapters of their story, writers can increase their earning potential.
As we move into our next 10 years, how we improve the experience and increase the success of storytellers who choose the Wattpad app will continue to be a prime focus. After all, It’s the Wattpad community behind our app that brings these features to life.
In that spirit, we’d like to thank our community and ambassadors for telling us what features they want to see as they give us feedback on our mobile and desktop experience. Another big thank you goes out to all the members of our user-obsessed Wattpad team at HQ, past and present. These contributions continue to shape an experience that’s changed storytelling forever.