Writers Can Build Their Digital Brand With These Classes From BrainStation

The Wattpad app is a great way for writers to reach an engaged community - we connect a monthly audience of 55 million people who spend over 15.5 billion minutes on our platform.

To help more people get the most of Wattpad as an audience building tool, we recently reached out to the digital skills training company, BrainStation, to find out what resources they recommend for someone looking to build their digital presence.

Their part-time digital marketing course is tailored to beginners who want to learn how to stand out digitally, whether it be for their business or personal brand. The course breaks down digital marketing into four components, with each section led by an industry expert: Branding & Strategy, Owned, Paid & Earned Media, E-Mail Marketing, and Analytics.

The SEO/SEM & Analytics course is tailored to those with a marketing background who want to sharpen their digital knowledge by learning advanced Search Engine Marketing and analytics skills. Mastering this art can help your discoverability on the web.

Outside of those courses, BrainStation also provides full-day workshops in Social Media Strategy, Search Engine Optimization, Google AdWords, and Google Analytics.

We understand the challenges a storyteller faces in today’s digital age in growing and engaging their online audience. While some writers understand how to grow their readership to profit from writing on Wattpad, we’re always looking for ways to help more creators find success on our platform. Check out BrainStation’s offerings if you’re looking to supercharge your digital promotions and online brand.

If you’re looking for some more inspiration, check out our Meet the Wattpad Stars interview series.


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