Announcing the Winners of the 2017 Wattys


Year over year, we at Wattpad HQ aim to evolve The Wattys in a meaningful way. From the look and feel of the contest to the award categories and the overall experience, The Wattys are meant to reflect the vibrancy and diversity of our global community.

For 2017, we created six new award categories to highlight the different sides of stories – The Newcomers, The Originals, The Riveting Reads, The Storysmiths, The Breakthroughs, and The Tap Award. Each award came with its own criteria and gave us a chance to celebrate Wattpadders at every part of their journey as a writer. From the newbies to the Wattpad veterans, The Wattys welcomed writers from all genres, all styles, and all experience levels.

With over 284,000 entries across 10 languages, the turnout for this year’s Watty Awards was our best yet! A massive thank you goes out to our 194,500 storytellers across the globe who showcased their talent and put their best story forward.

Today, we’re delighted to announce our 2017 Wattys winners. Join us in celebrating them by reading, commenting, and sharing!

From gay wizards and explosive revenge plots to temporal matchmaking and deadly desert adventures, this year’s winning stories captured our attention with highly imaginative and original plots, compelling writing, and just the right mix of pacing and thrill. There were stories with drama that dogged our sleep, characters that demanded our investment, and writing with unique charm. These were stories that promised readers something new and unexpected, something that was just as striking in concept as it was in execution. High quality writing, storytelling, and artistic flare mixed with raw talent and ingenuity made for a captivating collection of winning stories.

Head to to check out the full list of winners.